- 350 gr di scampi medio piccoli
- 350 g di riso Carnaroli
- due gambe di sedano
- Due carote
- 2 zucchine medie
- Uno spicchio d’aglio
- un cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato
- 350 gr di salmone fresco
- Olio evo q.b
- Sale e pepe q.b
Separare la testa degli scampi dalle code che successivamente verranno private del carapace.
Metterle in una casseruola piena d’acqua con due carote e due gambe di sedano.
Far bollire per un’ora.
Tagliare la zucchina in piccoli dadi e farla saltare in una padella antiaderente con un filo d’olio, aglio, pepe e sale.
Aggiungete il riso e fate tostare il riso con dell’olio per 4 min, poi iniziare ad aggiungere il brodo caldo, abbassando il fuoco.
Quando mancano 5 min alla fine aggiungere gli scampi precedentemente fatti saltare insieme al salmone tagliato a pezzettini in una padella antiaderente per 1-2 minuti.
INGREDIENTS – 4 servings:
- 2 carrots
- 2 sticks of celery
- 3tbsp olive oil
- A garlic clove
- 2 medium courgettes, diced
- 1½ cups of risotto rice
- 350g (9oz) medium-sized prawns
- 350g (9oz) fresh salmon fillet
- 1tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
Put two carrots and two sticks of celery in a plenty of water pot.
Peel the prawns, adding the heads and shells to the simmering stock; this gives a greater depth of flavour.
Then, slice in half lengthways, removing any veins.
Heat a little oil in a large saucepan over a moderate heat and fry the prawns with salmon diced, stirring for 1-2 minutes. Set aside. Add the oil to a frying pan and sauté the garlic and courgettes for about 5 minutes.
Add the rice and stir gently for 1 minute or until coated with the oil. Add enough of the simmering stock to just cover the rice. Stirring frequently, allow the rice to absorb most of the stock before adding any more.
Repeat the process, stirring well and adding stock as required. (If the stock runs out, continue with simmering water.) It will take 15-18 minutes to cook.
Taste the rice for texture – it should be soft but still retain a little bite. Remove from the heat, add the prawns and parsley. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper.
Cover and allow to rest for a few minutes before serving.